Past Perfect Simple and Continuous
Past Perfect Simple and Continuous
Оба времени означают предпрошедшее, события, которые произошли и закончились в прошлом и не имеют никакой связи с настоящим.
Past Perfect Simple
Используется, чтобы подчеркнуть завершение события в прошлом, наличие определенных результатов.
My father had built a house.
Usage |
My father had already cooked the breakfast when I woke up.
Mark had always lived in Japan.
I got a salary. I had sold 100 books. |
Formula | + S + had + V3 - S + had + not + V3 ? Had + S +V3 |
Markers | By Yet Just Already Never By the time Before |
Past Perfect Continuous
Используется, чтобы подчеркнуть, что событий/ действие в прошлом продолжалось определенный период времени. Акцент на длительности!
My father had been building a house when our fence fell down.
Usage |
My father had been cooking breakfast when I woke up.
Mark had been living in Japan all his life.
I got a salary. I had been selling books for the whole month. |
Formula | + S + had + been + Ving - S + had + not + been + Ving ? Had + S +Ving |
Markers | For 3 hours/ days/ weeks/ months/ years Since 1812 |
По сути, Past Perfect Simple является эквивалентом Present Perfect Simple только в прошедшем времени, а Past Perfect Continuous эквивалентом Present Perfect Continuous.
